Global Ventures

Explore How Amrithagiri Himalayas Connects with the World: Discover Our Global Ventures and Impact Across Borders!

Religions and World Peace

Our country, home to the mother of all Dharmic religions, Hinduism, can claim spiritual knowledge and philosophical wisdom. India, as the birthplace of Hinduism, possesses profound spiritual wisdom, which can guide global peace. Many Buddhists believe that world peace begins with inner peace, symbolized by Peace Pagodas. Similarly, Christianity teaches that peace comes through God's love, as demonstrated by Christ. Though modern science has surpassed ancient knowledge, India can still lead as a spiritual teacher. Mark Twain highlighted India's cultural significance, calling it the "cradle of the human race." Hinduism’s focus on inner peace can spread outward, contributing to world peace. This spiritual wealth, along with the growing interest in Sanskrit and Hinduism, positions India as a leader in promoting global harmony.

Need for a Spiritual Revolution

The world may be in the early stages of a global spiritual revolution.  “The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation. And science alone won’t get us there. Only a spiritual revolution will help. The awakening is best when it comes through a positive spirituality that blends science and all religions into one.According to Albert Einstein this positive spirituality can best be achieved by‘widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty’

A Global Movement

As his journey continued, Mr. Denny Amrithagiri launched Dennysworld, a revolutionary platform uniting the world under the Indian philosophy of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (the worldis one family).
Mr. Denny Thomas Chempazha's tireless efforts have inspired a global community to embrace this profound philosophy.

Peace Promotion and International Collaboration

Mr. Denny's entrepreneurial spirit has spanned the globe, forging international partnerships and advancing the cause of global peace. With unwavering dedication, he has ushered in a new era of cooperation, understanding, and unity. By uniting with social leaders, reformers, scientists,and environmentalists worldwide, he has championed peace and prosperity, inspired by the timeless Indian wisdom of "Lokah samastha sukhino bhavantu" (may all beings be happy) and"Matha bhoomi putroham prithvi" (we are all children of Mother Earth).
Peace Anthem exhorting all beings to be tolerant and be in peace with one another.(LISTEN)

World Hindu Conference September 2025

Our motto and guiding principle is the philosophy of the purely enrapturing and all embracing “Vasudeva Kudumbhakom” which treats all the world and its inhabitants as one. This   has inspired us to plan for a  conference on Hinduism in September 2025.At this conference we wish to bring together Hindu thinkers and scholars from across the world to present papers and give lectures on any topic relevant to our noble cause of Hinduism.